write, bitch, write is an online literary magazine and writing community for women

write, bitch, write! is an online literary magazine and writing community for women. It’s a safe space where we can share our stories, indulge our creativity, hone our writing craft, and find inspiration.
A new issue is published each month, containing writing on a similar theme. You’ll find everything from poems and short fiction to creative nonfiction and personal essays. In addition to selected submissions, we include our own responses to the prompt, plus some long-favorite or found pieces that speak to the issue’s theme in some way.
If you’re anything like us, you’re a creative soul hungry for artistic expression. And if you’re anything like us, you know all too well how easy it is to get caught up in the everyday and insist you don’t have time for it. So we created write, bitch, write! to be the nagging friend who urges you on, who calls you on your bullshit, who doesn’t let you make any more excuses. She’ll listen patiently as you find your voice and tell your story; she understands that it will be hilarious or heartbreaking, fierce or forgiving, bitter, joyful, soulful, silly, or anything in between, depending on the day. But she won’t let you shrink away from writing. She’ll just grin, shove a pen in your hand, and say, “write, bitch, write!”